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Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation

全国各地, people are horrified by the recent taking of three more Black lives: Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. President Zak’s message on May 29, 2020, 呼应了这种愤怒, not just about these killings but also about all the other Black lives lost while in police custody.

This page is dedicated to all those who have lost their lives. This page is a call to action.

为了解决, 修复, and eliminate the systems that enable acts of racial prejudice, 我们都必须采取行动. In winter 2019, 电子娱乐游戏学院 was selected by the Association of American Colleges & 大学(AAC格式&U) as one of 24 universities to host Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) campus centers across the United States in a national effort to eradicate racial hierarchies and eliminate social inequities.

作为THRT的校园, the college partners with local and community groups as well as the campus community in projects that advance transformational racial change, promote racial healing and erase structural barriers to equity and equal opportunity. The taking of more Black lives and the resulting national outrage have lent a new sense of urgency to this work. Thus, we recommit ourselves to ensuring that our policies and actions align with our values. We recommit to leaving no one behind.

Get connected and lead in the fight against racism!


Ongoing Programs and Action

  • Use and amplify our signature programs, like the Heritage Month Celebrations, # Culture365, Courageous Conversations and InFocus, to embed anti-racism 培训, 教育, and action into the fabric of our campus culture.
  • 请求 培训 你的部门.
  • Sign-up for our monthly (July to November) anti-racism 培训 and roundtables. Space is limited to 20 individuals per session. Registration information coming soon.
  • Collaborate with our TRHT planning team and Rx Healing Circles to execute our TRHT action plan to forge communitywide collaboration, opportunities and resources for racial transformation. This includes intentionally engaging community partners and local establishments to better support our students. To get more information on how to get involved, please email
  • Intentionally support all college divisions to develop strategic actions that promote equity.
  • Implement recommendations of the Diversity and Inclusion Climate Audit.
  • 看看这个 列表 to take action for Black lives.
  • 请愿书 for a hate crimes bill to be enacted as a Georgia law.
  • 取一个 免费的 online anti-racism 培训 available until June 30 (Institute of El Paso).


To bridge the college’s mission of “engaging the social and intellectual challenges of our times” and the work of a TRHT campus, 我们推出了 Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Courageous Conversation Series. These discussions engaged campus and community leaders — across racial lines — on race and racism.
